Strengthening Effective Partnerships to Address SDG 4: The Role of Impact Bonds in Education
Organizers: Archana Mehendale and Arushi Terway (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India and NORRAG - Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training, Graduate Institute Geneva, Switzerland)

The proposed workshop is based on a multi-partner collaborative research project “Innovative Financing for Education to Leave No One Behind” which aims to assess the contribution of innovation in education financing to bringing in more and better financing to educate the most disadvantaged and marginalized ma groups towards achieving SDG 4. The Project is co-funded by the TRANSFORM research initiative of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The workshop focuses on the impact bonds in education, such as the Quality Education India Development Impact Bond (QEI), Sierra Leone Education Innovation Challenge (SLEIC), Ghana Education Outcomes Project (GEOP), and Haryana Early Literacy Development Impact Bond. The collaboration between research partners, NORRAG, Graduate Institute Geneva, Switzerland, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India, and University of Cape Town, South Africa, fosters knowledge exchange and capacity building of experts in both the Global North and the Global South. It also promotes South-South collaboration by engaging TISS-CETE and UCT-GSB, who have expertise in research, innovative financing and education in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
The proposed workshop will enable an evidence-based policy dialogue among the participants on the innovation of impact bonds in education to reach vulnerable and marginalized groups in low, lower-middle income, as well as Fragile and Conflict Affected Countries. The research partners conducting the workshop will also reflect on the need to explore more effective collaborations across the globe to extend support to SDG 4: Quality Education for All. This workshop aims to ensure that the learnings of this evaluation project are not only shared internally among the consortium, but externally with the education and development community to reflect on the replicability and scalability of such partnerships to address global challenges in education.
Workshop Format (120 mins)
Session I: Introduction (20+10 Minutes)
Session I
Introduction to Impact Bonds in Education (20 mins)
Role of effective research partnerships in addressing SDG 4 (10 mins)
Session II:
Introduction to three innovative financing mechanisms (10 mins)
i. Quality Education India Development Impact Bond (QEI)
ii. Sierra Leone Education Innovation Challenge (SLEIC) and Ghana Education Outcomes Project (GEOP)
iii. Haryana Early Literacy Development Impact Bond
Breakout sessions: Case summaries (30 minutes)
We will divide the group into 3 and let the participants discuss one case study on their own. Reading materials will be shared beforehand.
Discussion in the large group (20 Minutes)
Session III: Reflections and learnings from the research partnership (30 minutes)
• Key-takeaways from the research collaboration
• Addressing limitations and challenges of the research studies
• Exploring options for more effective partnerships to support SDG 4
Online Workshop Series 2024
- The Interplay of 'Administrative Traditions' and 'Local Traditions' in Six Selected African Countries
- Rethinking and Navigating Equitable Partnerships for Impactful Funding Models: Lessons and Insights from 5 Continents
- Open educational resources and platforms for digital capacity building
- The Role of Guidelines for Sustainable and Equitable partnerships in North-South collaboration
- Co-creating preconditions for inclusive and equitable funding in global academic collaborations
- How Can a Reflection on Roles of Scientists in Sustainability Transformations Be Supported?
- Co-Funding Success & Partnership - 10+ years of collaboration in research and innovation between Switzerland and South Africa
- Promoting Sustainable and Equitable Partnerships with the MENA Region
- What does research offer to development NGOs and vice versa?
- Strengthening Effective Partnerships to Address SDG 4: The Role of Impact Bonds in Education
- The K2A SDG Online Academy: An engaging multi-dimensional format for sustainability education