Swiss Research Institutions with long experience in global research partnerships
- BFH/HAFL Hugo P. Cecchini Institute
- Centre for Development and Environment, CDE
- Centre for Development and Cooperation - SUPSI
- Department of Geography, University of Zürich
- Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development, Sandec - Eawag
- EPFL Sustainability
- EPFL Tech4Dev
- EPFL Excellence in Africa's Initiative
- ETH4D ETH Zürich
- ETH Global, Zürich
- Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, IHEID
- Ingénieurs du Monde
- NADEL - Centre for Development and Cooperation (ETH Zürich)
- UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism, USI
- swisspeace
- Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, SwissTPH
- University of Bern: Initiative Afrique
- Wyss Academy for Nature Bern
- Centre for African Studies
- Geneva Africa Lab