Decolonizing research: from knowledge transfer to knowledge(s) in dialogue
Online Workshop Series 2023

Organiser: Fabricio Rodríguez (Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut (ABI) Freiburg)
More and more institutions acknowledge the need to decolonize research partnerships, not least in the social sciences. An accompanying concern is often that of promoting “knowledge transfers” between academic and non-academic circles. What, then, does it mean, and what does it take, to combine decolonizing research practices with legitimate demands to communicate scientific knowledge with non-academic audiences (and vice versa)?
This workshop is organized by the network “Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Members of the network, including two senior researchers from the Global South and four students from the Global North, will participate as co-organizers.
The workshop will unfold in 4 steps. After an interactive introduction [10 min], we will (1) present the concept of “knowledge(s) in dialogue” as an alternative to ‘knowledge transfers’ [10 min]. Next, (2) we will present two specific formats of dialogic exchange, including (2.1) international think labs and (2.2) online videos in different formats [20 min]. Workshop participants will have access in advance. Then, (3) we will move to "deep-dive" sessions (moderated by members of the network) and discuss four challenges in the (co-)production and communication of research from a decolonial stance. These include (3.1) the acknowledgement of structural hierarchies in academic research as a point of departure, (3.2) the commitment to reflexivity and transparency regarding unequal positionalities in academia, (3.3) the discussion of risks and benefits for those involved, (3.4) the creation of a common purpose towards the emancipation of science itself [30 min]. Finally, (4) we will take a short break [5 min] and move towards a moderated discussion on how to tackle these and other challenges [40 min]. The outcomes will be documented and shared with all workshop participants.
Online Workshop Series 2023: Decolonizing Swiss Research Collaborations
- Reflective steps to unbundle decolonization - answering difficult questions
- Students in “the field”: Decolonizing applied research collaborations. Discussion of experiences and practices
- South-North and South-South Collaborations in Medical Genomics Research in Africa
- Our Common Challenge: Moving Beyond Inaction and Irrelevance
- Decolonising Language & Word Choice: The Case for Linguistic Equity
- Open Science as a Means to Decolonize Scientific Publishing and Foster Fairer Research Collaborations
- An interdisciplinary dialogue on ethical considerations and the role of HIC research partnerships in strengthening capacity and stimulating South-South research
- Decolonizing research – an invitation to learn and unlearn from different entry points
- Decolonizing research: from knowledge transfer to knowledge(s) in dialogue
- The Importance of Allyship and Empowerment in the Decolonization of Research Partnerships – A Workshop
- African-European School Dialogue
- Creating and evaluating equitable research partnerships: from inception to impact
- Decolonizing Graduate Careers