La KFPE est la plate-forme centrale d’information pour la recherche globaux en Suisse. Elle s’engage en faveur d’une coopération augmentée et équitable avec les pays à revenus faibles et intermédiaires. Elle contribue ainsi au développement durable et à la résolution des défis globaux et locaux.en plus

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Swiss Researching Africa Days 2024

The 8 th edition of the Swiss Researching Africa Days will take place on 25−26 October 2024 at the Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Bern. The Swiss Society for African Studies celebrates its 50th anniversary. In this context, the two concepts, sustainability and transformations, may be understood broadly and can be addressed from all angles and points of view. For instance, they may be discussed in relation with institutions, practices, policies, disciplines, and research areas. In order to ensure adequate representation of all subject areas and activities, we accept proposals outside the general theme.


The biennial Swiss Researching Africa Days are held alternating with the international thematic conferences of the Swiss Society for African Studies. They are open to all disciplines representing African Studies. The objective of the meeting is to promote the exchange among the community of researchers working on Africa in Switzerland. Its goals are to

  • present current research projects of MA- and doctoral students, post-docs and senior scholars;
  • enhance the circulation of relevant information between these actors and the respective institutions;
  • offer a platform for synergies and collaboration;
  • enhance the visibility of African Studies in Switzerland, the universities and research institutions;
  • promote the institutionalisation of African Studies.


  • Organisateur·trice principal·e
Langues : Anglais