La KFPE est la plate-forme centrale d’information pour la recherche globaux en Suisse. Elle s’engage en faveur d’une coopération augmentée et équitable avec les pays à revenus faibles et intermédiaires. Elle contribue ainsi au développement durable et à la résolution des défis globaux et locaux.en plus

Image : NASAen plus

Sources de financement

This website provides an overview of funding opportunities for global research partnerships with low- and middle-income countries. It shows funding opportunities of Swiss funding programmes, international funding opportunities and provides an overview of additional websites with funding opportunities. Information on scholarships for students and researchers coming to Switzerland or going to low- and middle-income countries can be found on this website.

SOR4D - Solution-oriented Research for Development

SOR4D Logo

The Solution-oriented Research for Development (SOR4D) programme is a joint funding instrument between the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) that builds on experiences and lessons learnt in previous joint programmes.

SPIRIT – Swiss Programme for International Research by Scientific Investigation Teams


The SNSF SPIRIT programme facilitates knowledge exchange between Swiss researchers and researchers in selected countries that are receiving development assistance. With SPIRIT, the SNSF is giving Swiss researchers more opportunities to collaborate with partners in many countries around the world.

Federal bilateral cooperation programmes

The Federal Council launched the bilateral programmes in 2008 to foster cooperation with non-European partners in the ERI sector. Based on the principles of mutual interest, joint funding and scientific excellence, they are designed to facilitate long-term and sustainable partnerships. The bilateral programmes consist of two complementary instruments: joint research projects with the BRICS countries as well as with Argentina, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam, and Leading House pilot activities with promising regions.

Joint research projects (JRPs) are conducted on behalf of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in cooperation with funding agencies in Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa, South Korea and Vietnam. A JRP usually lasts between three and four years and enables Swiss researchers to address specific questions together with researchers from the partner countries. From 2017 to 2020, more than 100 JRPs received funding. As they have proved to be so successful, the bilateral programmes will be continued in the years 2021–2024. In consultation with its partner organisations, the SNSF regularly launches calls for proposals for larger bilateral research projects.

In the Leading House model, selected Swiss institutes of higher education are commissioned by SERI to set up cooperation instruments for start-up funding and innovative pilot projects under the framework of the bilateral programmes. This has proved to be a useful and efficient format for establishing privileged contacts and testing new instruments of research and innovation cooperation. Between 2017 and 2020, more than 500 pilot research and innovation activities with these new countries and regions received funding.

The following Leading Houses have been commissioned to run smaller pilot projects regionally in 2021 to 2024:

Leading Houses
Leading Houses

Scientific Exchanges

Scientific Exchanges

SNSF Scientific Exchanges is aimed at researchers who want to host their own scientific event in Switzerland, invite colleagues from abroad for a research visit to Switzerland, or visit their colleagues in another country. The SNSF finances stays of up to six months.

  • Visit your research partner abroad

  • Invite researchers from abroad to Switzerland

  • Bring together a number of researchers to organise a conference in Switzerland

Running Call:
All year round (apply at least 4 months before the event or visit)

Project Funding

Image : SNSF

The SNSF Project Funding scheme enables researchers to independently conduct research projects with topics and goals of their own choice. Applicants can apply for funding of research costs and staff salaries, as well as of scientific cooperation, networking and communication; however, they may not apply for their own salaries.

  • Project Funding can cover the costs of international exchanges.
  • You can involve a partner from abroad in your project. Project partners make a limited contribution and, unlike applicants, are not co-responsible for the project. Their research costs are covered by the project budget.

Submission deadlines: 01 April and 01 October of every year, 17:00 Swiss time

Webinar recording and slides on new regulations for project funding

Mobility grants in projects

Mobility grants are aimed at doctoral students who wish to improve their scientific profile by going abroad while being employed in an ongoing SNSF research project. During the period spent abroad, the grantee will remain matriculated at the Swiss home institution and employed as a doctoral student in the SNSF-funded research project.

Applications can be submitted anytime.


SNSF Postdoc.Mobility fellowships are aimed at researchers who have done a doctorate and who wish to pursue a scientific or an academic career in Switzerland.
The fellowships include a grant for subsistence costs, a flat-rate for travel expenses and a possible contribution to research and conference costs. In addition, fellowship holders can apply for a return grant to finance their initial period of research after returning to Switzerland. The funding period is in principle 24 months (fellowship) and 3 to 12 months (return phase).

Submission deadlines: 01.02 resp. 02.08, 17:00 Swiss local time

Further SNSF Funding

SNSF has different funding instruments that are not explicitly designed for but can be used for research collaborations.

The Lead Agency process allows researchers in Switzerland and a partner country to submit a joint research proposal to either of the two national funding organisations.

SNSF has Lead Agency agreements with two LMIC:

  • State of Sao Paulo
  • South Africa

Open Call:

  • Lead Agency South Africa: 12 September 2024
  • Lead Agency Sao Paulo: 1 October 2024 and 1 April 2025

BRIDGE is a joint programme conducted by the SNSF and Innosuisse. It offers new funding opportunities at the intersection of basic research and science-based innovation, thereby supplementing the funding activities of the two organisations.

BRIDGE consists of two funding opportunities:

  • Proof of Concept is aimed at young researchers who wish to develop an application or service based on their research results. These projects may target innovations of all kinds from all research areas. Next submission deadline: 2 September / 2 December 2024.
  • Discovery is aimed at experienced researchers looking for the opportunity to develop an innovative idea. Call closed

Due to Switzerland’s status as a non-associated third country in the Horizon Europe programme, the federal government mandated the SNSF to launch the funding scheme "SNSF Starting Grants 2023". This integrative call is a transitional measure covering the ERC Starting Grants 2023 as well as the former SNSF funding schemes Eccellenza and PRIMA.

Starting Grants are for researchers who want to lead an independent research project and direct a team of researchers in Switzerland.

The scheme is open to all disciplines and topics; researchers of any nationality may apply. Applicants can request a budget of up to CHF 1.8 million for a period of five years.

The launch of a new call is foreseen for 15 October 2024. Submission deadline will be 15.01.2025

Following Switzerland's non-association to Horizon Europe as of 2021, the SNSF has on the government's behalf launched the scheme 'SNSF Advanced Grants'. It is aimed at researchers who intended to apply for an ERC Advanced Grant.

Please note: Researchers in Switzerland can participate in the European call for ERC Advanced Grants 2024. This change took effect with the opening of negotiations between Switzerland and the EU (Press release of the Confederation). The transitional measure “SNSF Advanced Grants 2024” will therefore not be launched.

Deadline date: 29 August 2024-17:00:00 Brussels time

Ambizione grants are aimed at young researchers who wish to conduct, manage and lead an independent project at a Swiss higher education institution. The scheme supports young researchers both from Switzerland and abroad. Scientists holding non-professorial academic positions at higher education institutions are also eligible to submit an application.

Submission deadline: 01.11.2024

Doc.CH is aimed at promising researchers who wish to write a doctoral thesis on a topic of their own choice in the humanities and social sciences in Switzerland. Part of the doctoral thesis may be conducted at a host institution abroad if a corresponding request giving reasons is submitted.

Besides the salary of the doctoral student, the grant may include a contribution towards costs directly related to project implementation.

After the last submission deadline on 15 March 2024, there will be no further calls for applications for the Doc.CH funding program.


In June 2023 Sinergia was integrated into the SNSF Programme: Project Funding. Proposals for Project Funding include now all types of collaborative projects and can be submitted by 1 October and 1 April every year.

The SNSF provides grants to finance scientific publications that are made available immediately, without restriction and free of charge (gold open access). There are three types of processing charges:

  • for articles in open access journals (article processing charges APCs)
  • for open access book publications (book processing charges BPCs)
  • for book chapters (book chapter processing charges BCPCs)

The Agora scheme aims to foster dialogue between scientists and society.

The Agora scheme aims to foster dialogue between scientists and society. It encourages researchers to communicate their current research to an audience of lay people. Agora projects have to initiate a dialogue between researchers and the public in which they interact and listen to each other.

Submission deadline:

  • running call for projects up to CHF 50'000, submission anytime
  • 10 October each year for projects up to CHF 200'000


Partners of the swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC) can apply for collaborative projects within one of the five Cluster of Cooperation (CLOC):



Innosuisse is the Swiss Innovation Agency. Its role is to promote science-based innovation in the interest of the economy and society in Switzerland. Innosuisse supports science-based innovation in the interest of the economy and society through innovation projects, support for start-ups, internationalisation and networking support. International tenders include collaboration within European and selected partner countries.

Innosuisse and the Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial (EMBRAPII) work together to support international innovation projects implemented by partners from Switzerland and Brazil. Research institutions and companies have the opportunity to submit funding applications in regular calls for proposals. This partnership boosts knowledge and technology transfer and makes both countries more competitive.

BRIDGE is a joint programme conducted by the SNSF and Innosuisse. It offers new funding opportunities at the intersection of basic research and science-based innovation, thereby supplementing the funding activities of the two organisations.

BRIDGE consists of two funding opportunities:

  • Proof of Concept is aimed at young researchers who wish to develop an application or service based on their research results. These projects may target innovations of all kinds from all research areas. ​

Next submission deadlines:
31st call: 2 September 2024
Special call 2024: 2 September 2024
32nd call: 2 December 2024

  • Discovery is aimed at experienced researchers looking for an opportunity to further develop an innovative idea.

FDFA Mandates

The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) awards mandates to contractors with subject-matter expertise, such as aid agencies, research institutions and private companies, for the implementation of specific projects and programmes, including those in the area of international cooperation (development cooperation, cooperation with Eastern Europe and humanitarian aid).

  • Mandates over CHF 230,000 are published on SIMAP, the electronic public procurement platform of the federal government.
  • Mandates below CHF 230,00 are published at the website of the FDFA.

International research initiative on climate change
Image : pixabay

International research initiative on climate change

The challenges created by climate change can only be adequately addressed through international cooperation. The SNSF is acting on this and joining the International Initiative for Research on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.

Global Research Council (GRC) Collaborative Funding for the Sustainable Development Goals

The SNSF participates in the Global Research Council (GRC), a virtual organisation comprising heads of science and engineering funding agencies from around the world. The GRC launched a pilot call committed to taking concrete steps towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through innovative research and actions.

Belmont Forum – Collaborative Research Actions (CRAs)

Logo Belmont Forum

The Belmont Forum CRAs are recurring calls that aim to support international transdisciplinary research providing knowledge for understanding, mitigating and adapting to global environmental change. Every proposal must include natural scientists, social scientists and stakeholders. Collaborators must be from at least three different countries.

Science Booster

Run your science crowdfunding campaign with and benefit from the Science Booster program to double your funds. To help you reach your goals and have maximum impact, the Swiss National Science Foundation has pledged to match any amount you successfully raise (up to CHF 5’000).


Movetia grants can be awarded for a wide range of mobility activities, such as internships for teachers, students, trainees and young graduates, but also for further education courses, observation periods, study visits, voluntary service or youth meetings. On the other hand, Movetia’s support programmes are dedicated to cooperation projects, which are developed in collaboration between at least one Swiss educational institution and another foreign partner institution. To plan a cooperation project, Movetia also supports preparatory visits for Swiss staff. Starting from 2023, the entire Movetia programme has been extended worldwide.

Next application deadline 31st march 2025

Image : REPIC


REPIC is the interdepartmental platform for the promotion of renewable energy, energy and resource efficiency in international cooperation. REPIC is partially financing new, sustainable and effective small-scale projects in Low- and Middle-Income Countries from Swiss institutions with high replication potential.

Image : SNIS

Swiss Network for International Studies, SNIS

The SNIS promotes academic research in the interdisciplinary area of international studies. Thematic areas of interest include environment, development, health, human rights and education.

Open call:

Call for Projects 2025, Deadline: January 22 2025

Geneva Science-Policy Interface: Impact Collaboration Programme

This annual call for projects provides funding to spot, support and scale science-policy collaborations that contribute to strengthening science-informed policy-making and build policy-relevant research and tools in support of global governance actors based in Geneva.

Nestlé Foundation

The Nestlé Foundation initiates and supports research in human nutrition with public health relevance in low-income and lower middle-income countries according to the World Bank classification.

Sight and Life

Sight and Life has recently instituted its new strategy and as such the grants (humanitarian, educational, conference grants) have been redesigned. The strategic focuses are micronutrient dietary improvement through supplementation and fortification; promoting partnerships and building capacity; and sharing knowledge for improved nutrition.

Botnar Fondation

Fondation Botnar provides a range of funding opportunities to enable pioneering research and innovation, and to help realise ground-breaking initiatives. The foundation is committed to harnessing emerging solutions to build a better future for children and young people. Fondation Botnar and the Botnar Research Centre for Child Health (BRCCH) have different funding instruments for research in and with low- and middle income countries.

Velux Stiftung

Velux Stiftung supports innovative research that tackles the complex challenges we face as a society with an interdisciplinary approach. Its Ophthalmology Programme specifically focuses on LMICs, but other programmes are also open for global research collaborations.

Project funding opportunities by different Universities and Institutes

ETH4D Research Challenges

The goal of the ETH4D Research Challenges is to enable collaborations on project-​based research between ETH researchers, non-​academic partners and partners from low- and lower-middle ​income countries to develop effective solutions for poverty reduction.

ETH4D Pilot Grants

ETH4D Pilot Grants provide a smaller amount of funding to explore new collaborations, pilot a new applied research project or scale up existing research projects in low- and lower-middle income countries.

The call for applications for Research Challenges and Pilot Grants is currently closed. The next call will open in early 2025.

ETH4D Humanitarian Action Challenges

The goal of the ETH4D Humanitarian Action Challenges is to enable collaborations on project-​based research between ETH researchers and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) or other humanitarian actors in Switzerland to develop innovative solutions to increase the impact of humanitarian action.

Apply until 27 February 2025.

ETH4D Research to Action Grants

The ETH for Development (ETH4D) “Research to Action Grant” aims to ensure that research results are being used, implemented, and disseminated. It supports ETH Zurich bachelor students, master students, doctoral students, post-​docsand senior scientists to develop prototypes, explore opportunities for entrepreneurship and discuss their work with practitioners. The grant sum is up to 5 kCHF.

Four application deadlines per year: 30 April, 30 June, 31 October and 31 December

E4D Doctoral Scholarships

The goal of the Engineering for Development (E4D) Programme is to promote research and education for people in low-​income countries. The programme supports doctoral students from low-​ and middle-​income countries to work on innovations at ETH that have the potential to improve the lives of people in poor and fragile regions.

The next call will open in early 2025.


The Tech4Dev research activities consist of calls for collaborative research projects between Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and EPFL researchers.

Science and Technology for Humanitarian Action Challenges (HAC)

The goal of the Science and Technology for Humanitarian Action Challenges is to support project-based research between EPFL researchers, ETH Zurich researchers, and the ICRC to develop effective solutions for a greater impact of humanitarian action.

Currently no open call

Excellence in Africa - Junior Faculty Development Programme

The JFD programme fosters collaborations between Africa-based young professors and EPFL professors on projects addressing African and global challenges.

Currently no open call

Conference Support

The Faculty of Science supports the participation of members of the lower Mittelbau (PhD students matriculated at the Faculty of Science and Postdocs) at International Meetings (Symposia, Conferences, Workshops, Summer schools, etc.) to promote their scientific education and to allow them to create their own scientific networks. Precedence will be given to people who can show that they have no other sources to finance the participation in the meeting.

Grants are awarded three times a year: 31 of March, 30 of June and 31 of October

Funding Program «UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs»

The University of Bern, by way of its «UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs» funding program, supports short research stays abroad for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers that enable early career researchers to advance their own research projects, gain more experience abroad and thus improve their academic profile.

Application deadlines are on the 1st of March and 1st of September.

Genomics for Health in Africa Scientific Exchange

The Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence-Genomics for Health in Africa is a collaborative research, training, and teaching initiative involving academic partners from both Africa and Europe. To facilitate scientific exchanges among GHA research groups, particularly among their early-career/non-tenured members, the consortium has dedicated resources for short research visits lasting up to 90 days. These visits aim to enhance capacity training and teaching for early-career researchers based in Africa and Europe, focusing on rare diseases/familial syndromes or infectious diseases. Please note, that at the moment this opportunity is limited to participating institutions within the CoRE-GHA consortium.

UCreate - From idea to impact

  • Do you have an innovative idea that you want to explore ?
  • Do you need help to turn it into reality ?
  • Do you want to contribute to a sustainable future ?

The UCreate program is for all members of the UNIL community: students, researchers, professors, employees and alumni. This bilingual and interdisciplinary program supports all types of projects. We particularly encourage projects with a social and/or environmental impact.

  • Projects selected will receive financial support of up to CHF 10’000.-.

  • At least one member of the team must be a member of the UNIL community (student, researcher, professor, employee or alumni) or of Unisanté.
  • Projects in the creation phase, in the test phase, but not yet in the active marketing phase, are eligible.

Call closed

International Funding Possibilities

AuthorAID - Funding List
AuthorAID is a free pioneering global network that provides support, mentoring, resources and training for researchers in low and middle income countries. AuthorAID provide travel and workshop grants twice a year. On the link below you find many more funding opportunities

Link to various research grants

TWAS, the voice for science in the South
TWAS is a global science academy based in Trieste, Italy, working to advance science and engineering for sustainable prosperity in the developing world.

IDRC - International Development Research Center
IDRC offers grants, funding, and awards to researchers and institutions to find solutions for global development challenges.

Wellcome is a global charitable foundation established in 1936. Through their work they support science to solve the urgent health issues facing everyone. Wellcome beliefes that ground-breaking discoveries are more likely to occur in collaborations between a diverse range of people, so they are working with partners and the teams they fund to support a thriving, inclusive research culture. They have several grants and awards available to researchers at all stages of their career.

Fund for Innovation in Development (FID)
Hosted by the French Agency for Development, the ambition of FID is to support innovation in the service of the fight against poverty and inequality. FID deploys different stages of funding, depending on the level of maturity of the innovation.

The UK Collaborative on Development Research
The UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR) is a group of government departments and research funders working in international development.

Annonces CODESRIA (Conseil pour le développement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique)

Le CODESRIA offre un grand nombre d’opportunités qu’il s’agisse de conférence, d’ateliers de formation, d’activités de recherche, d’offres d’emplois, etc. qui font l’objet d’annonces

International Foundation for Science (IFS)
The objective of the IFS is to support developing countries in managing their natural resources in a sustainable way. It helps to reinforce the research capacity in these countries and to finance excellent research that is relevant to the mission of IFS.

Funding opportunities sourced by GDNet
Funding opportunities, grants and scholarships currently featured in the Regional Windows relevant to researchers and research institutes working on development issues in low and middle income countries.

Opportunities for Africans
A portal collecting information on research grants and fellowships.

European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP)
EDCTP aims to accelerate the development of new or improved drugs, vaccines and microbicides against HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, with a focus on phase II and III clinical trials in sub-Saharan Africa by supporting multicentre projects which combine clinical trials, capacity building and networking.

Sida Research calls and grants
In collaboration with its partners the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency regularly announces research calls and grants.

CNRS International Cooperation Department
The European Research and International Cooperation Department (DERCI) implements and promotes the CNRS’s European and international cooperation policy.

ICGEB Fellowships and Grants
ICGEB include five types of long and short-term PhD and Postdoctoral awards in the fields of genetic engineering and biotechnology available to scientists who are nationals of ICGEB Member States to perform research in Trieste, New Delhi or Cape Town. The ICGEB runs additional joint fellowship programmes with India and China.

ICGEB Research Grants are a dedicated source of funding aimed at financing projects addressing original scientific problems of particular relevance for the host country and of regional interest.

Open calls

eth4d award

Humanitarian Action Challenges research grant

The goal of the ETH4D Humanitarian Action Challenges is to support project-based research between ETH Zurich researchers, EPFL researchers, the ICRC and other humanitarian organisations to develop effective solutions for

Image : © ICRC/Benjamin Mast, 09.04.2020, Caption: Roraima, Boa Vista. In an effort to fight COVID-19, ICRC distributed hydrated ethyl alcohol and more than 18,000 pairs of gloves for medical procedures aimed at ensuring the proper hygiene of the Field Hospital and the safety of the health professionals., Reference: V-P-BR-E-00410

Register for our to receive information on open calls.

Further Collections of funding instruments is a centralised platform showcasing scientific and technological cooperation opportunities between Switzerland and the rest of the world.

International calls published via the State Secretary for Education Research and Innovation (SERI).

Euresearch promotes and facilitates the participation of researchers, organisations and companies in Switzerland in European projects and programmes related to research and innovation. The organisation provides information and guidance on cooperation and funding opportunities.

scientifyResearch developed an open, curated and structured research funding database – so that all researchers around the world, irrespective of location, have equal access to research funding information.

The Sustainability Research Initiative provides a comprehensive overview on funding opportunities for

  • research
  • application and implementation
  • knowledge transfer, knowledge exchange and science communication
  • training and capacity building

SFIAR provides an overview on current calls in the area of agricultural research for development, relevant for researchers based in Switzerland. is a database for information on collaborative research between Switzerland and African countries. SARECO does not offer own funding, but can help you during your search for research partners, collaborative institutions or funding instruments.

The establishment of the SARECO database underpins the idea of bringing early career scientists (PHDs and Postdoc researchers) together and to create a framework for exchange about funding instruments and project success stories, inviting peers to follow and by that to grow the Swiss – African research network.

How to establish fair research partnerships

  • On Research-Earth you can learn more about potantial research partners.
  • The KFPE Guidelines support you in establishing fair research partnerships.
  • Read the Guide on Conflict Sensitive Reserach if you operate in confict sensitive contexts
  • Learn more about challenges and opportunities when collaborating with the private sector or civil society
  • Conclude fair research contracts with the FRC-Tool.
  • Send us an if you have further questions.
Introducing the KFPE Youtube Channel

If you are a research funder and wish to promote your funding instrument at our website, please let us know