La KFPE è il punto d’informazione centrale per la ricerca globale in Svizzera. S’impegna per una collaborazione di ricerca efficiente ed efficace su un piano di parità con paesi in via di sviluppo e in fase di transizione. Così contribuisce allo sviluppo duraturo e alla soluzione di problemi locali e globali.di più

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Databases of Research Institutions

SNSF Data Portal

On its the Data Portal, the SNSF publishes data on the evaluated projects and the persons involved in order to provide transparency and facilitate the analysis of funding activities.

There you can search for projects with collaborations with LMICs or projects funded by differnet funding schemes.

Swiss - African Research Cooperation (SARECO)

The – database lists research institutions in Switzerland and African countries who have been participating in the bilateral research programme initiated by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in 2007.

EU Science Hub Africa Knowledge Platform

Data on the main organisations across Africa collaborating with the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission in the frame of a project or programme.

Africa Knowledge Platform