Swiss science diplomacy: exploring strategies, instruments, current priorities, and the role of international development cooperation
This SwissTPH, KFPE and CDE paper assesses the Swiss science diplomacy ecosystem, examines its components and alignment with common frameworks, and determines the potential impact of the current polycrisis. Additionally, the article explores the overlaps with international development cooperation. This first systematic portrayal of national-level science diplomacy reveals a multifaceted ecosystem, recognized as increasingly relevant by its principal actors and the government. Activities pivot towards engagement with global research and innovation leaders who can drive and deploy leading technologies to define global policy and address societal challenges.

Autori: Dr. Jasmina Saric, Dr. Anja Bretzler, Prof. Dr. Thomas Breu, Prof. Dr. Jürg Utzinger, Dr. Fabian Käser
Numero standard: DOI: 10.1093/scipol/scae091
Fonte: Saric J, Bretzler A, Breu T, Utzinger J, Käser F (2024) Swiss science diplomacy: exploring strategies, instruments, current priorities, and the role of international development cooperation. Science and Public Policy, scae091,