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Empowerment and sustainable development of rural and mountain communities


Given the history and political processes, rural and mountain communities in emerging countries and countries in transition often have a basic need for citizen participation and empowerment. Only through the active involvement of those affected at the base can these countries master their challenges.


To adapt established participatory methods from Swiss communities to the needs of the communities in these countries.

Expected Benefits

  • In partner country: Enabling rural and mountain communities to tackle their challenges on a grassroots and solution-oriented basis with self-responsibility. Improvement of their economic situation and contribution to the future-oriented development of their countries.
  • In Switzerland: The existing human resources are optimally utilized on-site. The local population makes a living, allowing them to build a future in their home country.

Contact Information

Peter Marty, , phone: +41 58 934 59 42

Research Group for Regional Development, Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Empowerment of rural and mountain communities
Empowerment of rural and mountain communities

Partner countries:Central Asian countries (e.g. Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan) and Iran

Research Partners:‘University of Central Asia (UCA) with Mountain Societies Research Institute (MSRI), , Isfahan University of Technology (Faculty of Natural Resources and College of Agricultural Engineering), University of Tehran (Faculty of Geography, Alliance of the Alps’, AGOCA and relevant identified institutions in each of the target countries

Cost: CHF 250,000

Duration: 3 years